Tim Chaney and his wife Jess joined Fellowship Bible Church (FBC) in February 2010. Pastor Chaney began working as the Director of Family Ministry. After 5 years of serving in that position, he became the Lead Pastor of FBC in January 2015 and is still serving in this role. 

Pastor Chaney received a degree in Student Ministry from Union University in 2007. He then continued his education to receive a Master of Divinity from Columbia Biblical Seminary in August 2011. Currently, he is enrolled in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary pursuing a Doctor of Ministry.

While attending Union University, Pastor Chaney met his wife Jess and they got married in 2008. They have 3 children who make up their family. Oldest daughter, Eden, was born in August 2012. Youngest daughter, Karis, was born in February 2016. God put a place in their hearts to go through the adoption process which gained them another member in their little family. Their middle child was adopted into the Chaney Family in August 2019.

Pastor Chaney grew up in the church and believed in Jesus Christ at a young age. His passion is to see the church culture awakened by the needs of a hurting world. He longs to see FBC become a church body who dedicates themselves to serve the Dalton-Whitfield community with gospel intentionality. Pastor Chaney uses his role as Lead Pastor to explain the scriptures in their original context and calls the church to take action to holy living and disciple making.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

- 1 Peter 2:9

Need to contact Pastor Tim? Email him below